Superannuation & Rollovers

Superannuation is principally a tax-effective mechanism of saving for your retirement. For many of us, it may be the largest asset we own, apart from our homes.

With numerous contribution options, Superannuation can become a complex and overwhelming area. At MPM Wealth Management, we endeavour to create an optimal strategy to make the most of the tax concessions, financial incentives and rebates available to help you build a nest egg which achieves your desired lifestyle in retirement.

We can assist you with comprehensive and tailored advice on:

  • Employer Super Guarantee Contributions
  • Concessional Contributions
  • Salary Sacrificing
  • Spouse Contributions
  • Co contributions
  • Consolidating Super
  • Self-employed Deductible Contributions
  • Self-employed or Not Working After Tax (non-deductible) Contributions
  • Beware of the caps

Be it consolidating your superannuation accounts, boosting your contributions, understanding the superannuation contributions limits for the financial year or developing a plan to prepare you for your eventual retirement, our financial planners can help you.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8294 4277 or email us at